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Homeworld 3 stars Imogen S'jet, the navigator of the Hiigaran Khar-Kushan Mothership. Your goal is to aid her fleet in discovering what's truly causing the Anomaly, the catastrophic disturbances that have wreaked havoc in the galaxy. To do this, you must be mindful of all the vessels under your command. That brings us to our Homeworld 3 units guide, which focuses on the ships that you'll build and control during the campaign.
Homeworld 3 units guide - All ships in the campaign
Our Homeworld 3 units guide gives you a glimpse into a dozen or so vessels and contraptions that are part of the Hiigaran fleet. We've also included upgrades that are unlocked as you continue to progress through missions. Please note that we will not be discussing the ships fielded by Incarnate, the hostile faction that you battle for most of the campaign. However, you can still play as the Incarnate faction in the Skirmish and War Games modes.
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The Khar-Kushan is pretty much the most important Homeworld 3 unit. Boasting hundreds of thousands of hit points (HP), this gargantuan vessel allows you to build all other types of spacecraft.
- Strong against: Nothing (utility vehicle).
- Weak against: Fast-moving, single-target, high-damage ships; missiles.
- Upgrades/abilities:
- Overcharge - Drastically increases weapon fire rate at the cost of armor.
- Self-Repair - Activates HP restoration.
- Fusion Missile - Fires a high-damage fusion missile at a target.
- Toggle Chassis Orientation - Toggle whether the Mothership is positioned vertically or horizontally on the movement plane.
Resource Controller (Utility)
You won't be able to construct ships or acquire upgrades if you don't have Resource Units (RU). This can only be acquired by small vehicles known as Resource Controllers. Note that you're limited to five of these in the campaign.
- Strong against: Nothing (utility vehicle).
- Weak against: All enemy ships with weapons.
- Upgrades/abilities:
- Salvage - Salvage wreckage to obtain resources.
- Capture - Attempt to capture an enemy vessel to repurpose it as a part of your fleet.
Probe (Utility)
Probes can be sent out to distant parts of the map, where they reveal enemy ships that might appear without your knowledge.
- Strong against: Nothing - Utility vehicle.
- Weak against: All enemy ships with weapons.
- Upgrades/abilities: N/A
Recon (Strikecraft)
The Recon is a high-speed scout ship outclassed early in the campaign. Use it to harass slow-moving vessels, but don't rely on it in place of Interceptors.
- Strong against: Utility vessels and low-HP opponents.
- Weak against: All enemy ships with weapons.
- Upgrades/abilities: Overburner - Drastically increase flight speed at a cost to weapon damage.
Interceptor (Strikecraft)
A balanced fighter that you'll rely on extensively in missions.
- Strong against: Fighters; slow, single-target vessels.
- Weak against: Anti-fighter and area-of-effect (AoE) weapon systems; turrets.
- Upgrades/abilities: Overcharge - Temporarily increase the weapon's fire rate at a cost to armor.
Fleet Bomber (Strikecraft)
Fleet Bombers pack a punch, especially when you have them target larger ships. Just watch out because they're also extremely vulnerable to faster spacecraft.
- Strong against: Large, slow-moving targets.
- Weak against: Fighters; AoE-based opponents; turrets.
- Upgrades/abilities: Cloak - Reduce the unit's speed and remain invisible to standard enemy sensors, appearing only once the unit attacks.
Railgun Corvette
The Railgun Corvette is one of the most useful ships in Homeworld 3, thanks to its long-range lasers (i.e. like your sniper unit). Keep it well at the back of your squadron since it's quite vulnerable to most forms of damage.
- Strong against: Large, slow-moving targets.
- Weak against: Fast opponents; fighters.
- Upgrades/abilities: Burst Fire - Fire three powerful shots in a quick burst.
Assault Frigate
This frigate is an all-rounder that's reliable in most engagements.
- Strong against: Fighters; low-HP targets.
- Weak against: Long-range weapon systems; single-target opponents.
- Upgrades/abilities: Polarized Plating - Decrease the unit's maneuverability but also reduce the damage taken for a short period.
Ion Cannon Frigate
The Ion Cannon Frigate is meant to engage larger vessels.
- Strong against: Large, slow-moving targets.
- Weak against: Fighters; long-range weapon systems.
- Upgrades/abilities: Burn Mode - Shoot the target with a powerful beam.
Support Frigate
Strikecraft can use the "Dock" command to repair when near the Mothership or Carriers. As for the rest of your fleet, repairs can only be done through the effective use of the Support Frigate. This support unit shoots a green beam that restores a ship's lost hull points.
- Strong against: Nothing (utility vehicle).
- Weak against: All enemy ships with weapons.
- Upgrades/abilities: Repair - Follow and repair a targeted friendly unit until its health is fully restored.
Mine Layer Frigate
Mine Layers can drop clusters of explosives along a target area. You can select from different patterns of mine placements, too.
- Strong against: Capital ships.
- Weak against: All enemy ships with weapons.
- Upgrades/abilities: Sphere, Box, or Wall placement pattern.
Suppression Frigate
The Suppression Frigate is a versatile unit in Homeworld 3. It has a ballistic cannon and a railgun that can be used against foes with high mobility.
- Strong against: Fighters and formations.
- Weak against: Long-range opponents; single-target opponents.
- Upgrades/abilities: Fusion Rounds - Fire a warhead that detonates upon hitting a target.
Torpedo Frigate
Think of the Torpedo Frigate as somewhat akin to the Railgun Corvette. It's also a sniper unit, so keep it at the back line of formations.
- Strong against: Large, slow-moving targets.
- Weak against: Fast opponents; fighters.
- Upgrades/abilities: Missile Thrust Boost - Drastically increase the weapon's maximum range at the cost of its engine usage.
Anti-Strikecraft Turret
As the name implies, the Anti-Strikecraft Turret excels against Recons, Interceptors, and Fleet Bombers.
- Strong against: Fighters.
- Weak against: Long-range, single-target opponents.
- Upgrades/abilities: Deployment and redeployment capabilities.
Heavy Torpedo Turret
If the Anti-Strikecraft Turret is great against fighters, then the Heavy Torpedo Turret is meant to shoot down larger vessels.
- Strong against: Capital ships; slower ships.
- Weak against: Long-range, single-target opponents.
- Upgrades/abilities: Deployment and redeployment capabilities.
Carrier (Capital Ship)
The Carrier is basically a more mobile but weaker Mothership. You can use it to produce new units (except for other capital ships).
- Strong against: Nothing (utility vehicle).
- Weak against: Single-target, high-damage opponents.
- Upgrades/abilities: Increases the Carrier's unit production at the cost of its weapon targeting system.
The Destroyer is a sturdy, heavy-duty backline unit that provides a ton of firepower.
- Strong against: Everything.
- Weak against: Heavy capital ships; single-target, high-damage opponents.
- Upgrades/abilities: Volley - Unleash a barrage of missiles at a target.
The Battlecruiser is the biggest Homeworld 3 ship--not counting the Mothership, of course. If the Destroyer is meant for backline support, then the Battlecruiser should be the tip of the spear that plows through enemy defenses.
- Strong against: Everything.
- Weak against: Heavy capital ships; single-target, high-damage opponents.
- Upgrades/abilities: Fire Control - Disables the ship's firing systems, while buffing the damage of all nearby allies.
That does it for our Homeworld 3 units and ships guide. Make the most out of these vessels in combat, and you should be able to succeed in the campaign and other modes.
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