Name the FBS Conference (2024)

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Can you name the Name the FBS Conference?

By yoshimizu888


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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Appalachian State University
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Auburn University
Ball State University
Baylor University
Boise State University
Boston College
Bowling Green State University
Brigham Young University (BYU)
Central Michigan University
Clemson University
Coastal Carolina University
Colorado State University
Duke University
East Carolina University
Eastern Michigan University
Florida Atlantic University (FAU)
Florida International University (FIU)
Florida State University
Fresno State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University
Indiana University
Iowa State University
Jacksonville State University
James Madison University
Kansas State University
Kennesaw State University
Kent State University
Liberty University
Louisiana State University (LSU)
Louisiana Tech University
Marshall University
Miami University (Ohio)
Michigan State University
Middle Tennessee State University
Mississippi State University
New Mexico State University
North Carolina State University
Northern Illinois University
Northwestern University
Ohio University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Oregon State University
Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)
Purdue University
Rice University
Rutgers University
Sam Houston State University
San Diego State University
San Jose State University
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Stanford University
Syracuse University
Temple University
Texas A&M University
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Texas State University
Texas Tech University
The Ohio State University
The University of North Carolina, Charlotte
The University of Southern Mississippi
The University of Tulsa
Troy University
Tulane University
U.S. Air Force Academy
U.S. Military Academy (Army)
U.S. Naval Academy (Navy)
University of Buffalo
University of Akron
University of Alabama
University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB)
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
University of Connecticut (UConn)
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Hawaii
University of Houston
University of Illinois
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
University of Louisiana Monroe
University of Louisville
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts (UMass)
University of Memphis
University of Miami (Florida)
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri
University of Nebraska
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
University of Nevada
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina (UNC)
University of North Texas
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida (USF)
University of South California (USC)
University of Tennessee
University of Texas
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
University of Toledo
University of Utah
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
University of Wyoming
Utah State University
Vanderbilt University
Virginia Tech University
Wake Forest University
Washington State University
West Virginia University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University
Name the FBS Conference (2024)


Name the FBS Conference? ›

FBS, or the Football Bowl Subdivision, consists of 11 different conferences: the ACC, American, Big 12, Big Ten, C-USA, Independent, MAC, Mountain West

Mountain West
The Mountain West Conference (MW) is a collegiate athletic conference located in the United States, participating in NCAA Division I. Its football teams compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS). › wiki › Mountain_West_Conference
, PAC-12, SEC and Sun Belt conferences.

What are the top 5 FBS conferences? ›

The Power Four conferences are the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), Big Ten Conference, Big 12 Conference, and Southeastern Conference (SEC). The FBS consists of the Power Four, other conferences known as the Group of Five (G5), and a small number of independent schools.

What does FBS stand for? ›

FBS is an acronym for Football Bowl Subdivision. It refers to the top half of Division I college football. The lower half is known as FCS, or Football Championship Subdivision. FBS programs are the most competitive in the sport, numbering 130 schools.

How many FBS conferences are there? ›

The NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS), formerly known as Division I-A, is the highest level of college football in the United States. The FBS consists of the largest schools in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). As of the 2024 season, there are 10 conferences and 134 schools in FBS.

What does FCS stand for? ›

The higher level, Division I-A, became the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) and the lower level, Division I-AA, became the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS).

What is the toughest conference in college football? ›

Overall, SEC teams have a 64-41 record over the past five years against opponents from the Big 12, the ACC, the Big Ten and the now-reduced Pac-12. A significant chunk of that success comes from Georgia, which won back-to-back national championships following the 2021 and 2022 seasons.

Is FCS or FBS bigger? ›

FBS schools are typically much larger than FCS schools, both in terms of student population and their athletics budget. Because of this, FBS schools are able to offer additional scholarships and provide better facilities for their program. They also tend to have more experienced coaches and more competitive schedules.

Is FBS the same as FCS? ›

The primary difference between the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) and the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) is the number of scholarships – FBS schools play with up to 85 total scholarship players, while FCS programs are capped at 63 scholarships.

Do FBS and FCS teams play each other? ›

Last year saw eight FCS schools defeat FBS schools, with Eastern Kentucky's seven-overtime win over Bowling Green setting a record for the longest game between an FCS and FBS opponent. In 2023, there are 118 FCS vs. FBS games scheduled. Check them out below.

Can FCS teams play in bowl games? ›

Bowl games are not limited to the Bowl Subdivision; teams in the three lower divisions of the NCAA—the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS), Division II, and Division III—are also allowed to participate in bowl games.

What is the oldest FBS team? ›

Rutgers: 150 years (All college football fans know that Rutgers hosted in-state rival Princeton on November 6, 1869, making them “The Birthplace of College Football”.

What is the difference between Power 5 and Group of 5? ›

The Group of Five conferences are five of the ten conferences in NCAA Division I FBS. The other five FBS conferences are informally known as the Power Five. In addition, a number of schools compete in FBS as independents in football.

What teams are moving to the FBS in 2024? ›

The 2024 season will be the last for one team as an FBS independent. Two FCS schools, Delaware and Missouri State, started transitioning their programs to FBS in the 2024 season.

What FCS teams are moving to the FBS? ›

Moving from the FCS

In 2022, Sam Houston and Jacksonville State will begin their FBS transition and are ineligible for postseason play, but will remain in the WAC and ASUN conferences, respectively. In 2024, Kennesaw State will be leaving for the FBS.

How many schools are in the FBS? ›

This is a list of the 134 schools in the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in the United States. By definition, all schools in this grouping have varsity football teams.

Why did Home EC change its name to FCS? ›

In 1994, the name of the course in most of the country was officially changed from Home Economics to Family and Consumer Sciences, or FCS, in an effort to dispel the impression that home ec was about teaching girls how to be housewives.

Can FCS teams beat FBS teams? ›

There's a rich history of FCS (and I-AA) schools upsetting FBS or I-A teams. Since NCAA Division I football was divided into I-A and I-AA for the 1978 season, there have been some monumental upsets. There were four such upsets in 2023. Check out all 2024 matchups here.

Is the Big East a FBS conference? ›

Big East schools compete in Division I. Most of the football-playing schools play in Division I FBS, while Georgetown and Villanova have Division I FCS (formerly I-AA) football programs.


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.