The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4, 33 1: be. THE SPRINGFIELD "UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1952 1600 FM, 101.9 MO 'ENT TNT 'INT TNT TNT TNT TNT TNT Interlude Homemakers Homemakers Athenian Music Athenian Music Voice of Italy Voice of Italy Musicale Musicale Musicale Musicale WIK0 1600 FM, 101.9 MIC News Community Newa Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley North Conn. -News North Conn. Let's Polka Let's Polka Saddle 'Time--News Saddle Time Pops on the Air Pops on the Air Pops on the Air Pops on the Air Pops on the Air Pops on the Air The Beat--News The Beat Dream Girl Sports Roundup Political WAK0 1600 FM, 101.9 MO WTXL 1490 Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper Timekeeper--News Margot Whitmire Coffee Club Coffee Club Coffee Club Country Store Country Store Country Store Country Store Country Store Country Store Croaby Sings Crosby Sings WTXL 1100 Luncheon Music Luncheon Music Luncheon Music Music--News 1400 Club 1490 Club 1190 Club 1490 Club--New: 1490 Club 1490 Club 1490 Club 140p Club--News 1490 Club 1490 Club' 1490 Club 1400 1490 Club 1190 Club 1490 Club 1490 Olub Kiddieland Kiddieland Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch WTXL 1490 Dinner Dinner Musta Glenn Miller Song Time Family Rosary Sports Roundup Make Believe. Ballroom Maka Believe Ballroom Make Belleve Ballroom Concert Concert Hall Concert Hall Concert Hall Sandman Sandman Sandman Sandman--News Sandman Sandman Sandman Sandman many Irresponsible and false references to the Taft-Hartley Act that it is about time for them to publicly designate the specific sections of the act that will substantiate their claims THAT IT IS PREJUDICIAL TO THE Political Advertisem*nt A $2.000.000 ROBBERY Vote NO On City REFERENDUM QUESTION No.

2 OR SPRINGFIELD CITIZENS WILL PAY THAT AMOUNT TO BENEFIT A SMALL GROUP OF DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS. THIS IS A BIG STEAL E. O. RAINYILLE, 1725 COLUMBUS SPRINGFIELD, MASS. WACK 730 WHYN 560 KO FM 03.1 MO Rosary for Pence Sports Did Carter Show Welcomo Family Weather- News Welcome Family Id Carter News Digest- Hymn Ed Carter World.

Nows Nd Carter Breakfast Jour Ed Carter Breakfast lour Did Carter Bronkfast Mualo Festival Mualc Festival Gordon Jenkins Music Festival Kitchenaires. Musio Festival Kitchenalres French Canadian Favorites French Canadian Favorites French Canadian laditor's Daughter French Canadian Top Tunes P'olish Melodies Ladies Fair Polish Melodies Ladies Fair Polish Melodies Quron for A Day Poliah Melodies Queen for Day RADIO PROGRAMS WACE 730 WHYN 560 KO I'M 93.1 MO Melody Ranch Curt Massey Melody Ranch Capital Comment Westover Regional Newa Westover Serenade Weatover World News 730 Club Food Show NOWS-130 Club Food Show 730 Club Bing Crosby 730 Club Record Room 730 Club Record Room NeWa-130 Club Paula Stone 730 Club Record Room Bag Record Room Grab News- Bag Grab Record Room. HAr Record Room Grab Bag Kerord Room Grab Bag Record Room Grab Bag Record Room Rag Record Room News---Grab Bag Record Room Paul and Ford Sgt. Preston Mgt. Preston Sky King--News Aky RADIO PROGRAMS WACE 730 WILYN 500 KO FM 93.1 MO World News Afelodies Sports Review Cote Glee Club Fulton Lewis.

Jr. Gabriel Heater Newsreel Black Museum Black Museum Dr. Kildare Dr. Kildare Fight for Life Fight for Life On, Off the Record On, Off the Record George Siravo I Love 8 Mystery Margaret Whiting Larry Green World News Lute Williamson Lute Williamson Lute Williamson out to a few labor leaders that he has absolutely lost sight of the job security of thousands of employees. Since Jan.

1, 1919, over: 20,000 textile have been lost to this Dever and Tobin have 90 state. Political Advertisem*nt INTERESTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL Taft-Hartley Act. What is needed is AND THAT IT IS RESPONSIBLE a general housecleaning at the State FOR OUR LOSS OF INDUSTRY. The House. number of jobs in Massachusetts will W.

J. LUPIEN not be increased by the repeal of the Chemisford Whatever you do, wherever you go, you'll enjoy it more with radio- Today, listen 10:00 AM ARTHUR GODFREY TIME means fun for all- ninety hilarious minutes of to! 11:30 AM GRAND SLAM is a delightful musical .1 quiz that scores. high with listeners. 11:45 AM ROSEMARY and her husband face serious problems which threaten their life together. 12 Noon WENDY WARREN THE NEWS Front page drama- -and latest headlines.

12:15 PM AUNT JENNY tells exciting stories of people 30 real they could be your neighbors. 12:30 PM ROMANCE OF HELEN TRENT Would you give up career and fortune for love? 12:45 PM OUR GAL SUNDAY- a modern PI Cinderella and the threats to her marriage. 1:00 PM BIG SISTER the hopes and heartaches of loyal Ruth Wayne and her doctor-husband. 1:15 PM MA PERKINS Rushuttle Canker's heroic little widow brings happiness to others. 06 4: 1:30 PM YOUNG DR.

MALONE ond Ate wit face the problem of careers vs. happy marriage. 1:45 PM THE GUIDING LIGHT Follow the story of one woman's search for happinasa. 2:00 PM THE SECOND MRS. BURTON must defy her mother to sava her marriage.

The biggest. and best WMAS AND WMAS-FM A NEW MOTOR OIL! SUPER TOUGH! 4. 30 Sunoco H.D.Dynalube CLEANS BETTER 4 aF Higher Detergency! Cleans 6 times better than ordinary motor oils! Inferior motor oil builds up gummy deposits of varnish like, Heavy- Dynalube, with 6 times the detergent action this on the valves, piston rings and hydraulic valve lifters, of ordinary motor oil, dissolves harmful deposits, keeps them making them stick and bind. As a result, engines "run in suspension until your next oil change. (For maximum prowear faster and burn extra gasoline and oil.

tection, change every 1000 miles.) Sr. H.D 1, 3 HEAVY- DUTY, DYNALUBE SUNOCO tr is tested and certified for Long 9 Mileage! 4 7 5. DYNALUBE P'. 5. MOTOR OIL Radio News "Sunoco 3-Star Extra" P.M.

Mon. to Fri. NBC Stations FIREMAN, GIRL RESCUED, BOTH Auburn, Oct. 27 (AP)-A veteran fire captain and a six-year-old girl he tried to rescue were critically injured today in a amoky blaze that swept the rear of a three-story. wooden apartment Capt.

Willis F. about 55, 4 and little Anita. Desrochers were on danger list at a Lewiston hospital, The suffered first and second-degree burns on the hands and face. The captain received second-degree hand and face burns. Both suffered from smoke inhalation.

Two firemen and City Electrician Alton E. Morrill broke into the burning six -apartment building and found the pair unconscious on A floor--the captain shielding the girl's body in his own. Father Fires Mattress Fire Chief J. Coleman Miller said Anita's father, Hector N. told him the blaze began 3.

mattress caught fire as he way smoking in bed second-floor apartment. The chief said the rather told him he tried to carry the flaming mattress to a back porch but dropped 8. store room between the kitchen and the porch when It became too hot handle. Then he "telephoned for help. The father and a son escaped down A fire ladder at the rront of the apartment and the girl apparently dashed toward the rear of the Chief Miller said.

The chief said Capt. Millett entered the blazing bullding when he Occupants of four other apartthat the girl' was still inside. ments-one apartment was then emptyfled down ladders and front stairs BADLY BURNED Auburn (Me.) Officer Found Shielding Child, 6, From Flames 'Drowned' Man Bath, Oct. 27 (AP)-A mans believed to have drowned three days before a grand jury indicted. him on two breaking, entering and larceny charges has turned up at a relative's home, police said today.

An attorney for Charles R. Lamb, 22-year-old Brunswick truck driver said Lamb appeared, "sick and exhausted," at Topsham yesterday, Search for Lamb began last Tuesday after his jacket was found in an empty boat floating in the Sasanoa River, Lamb's truck was found parked nearby on the Arrowsic shore. The river was dragged for two days. at Appears, 'Sick' Amusem*nts RIVERDALE I DRIVE IN ON WEST SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD TONIGHT SHOWN AT STORY OF THE SEAT Tyrone Moure en Retoni THE BLACK SWAN 29 A PLUS 2ND HIT SHOWN AT 7:45 RANDOLPH JOHN SCOTT PAYNE "TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI" DUSK TILL PHONE SPR. 4-2482 HOLY.

3-1203 STARTS WEDNESDAY OCTOBER Takes A Chance" Plus "Flaming Feather" 13 DRIVI HIT LITTLE EGYPT 6:00 SHOWN 1:25 5 Mark Rhonda TECHNICOLOR STEVENS FLEMING ALL THE PASSIONS, SWEEP AND SPECTACLE THE SCREEN CAN COMMAND SHOWN AT 7:45 OUTCAST, of the islands Radio-A. M. WREB. 6.00 Polish 8.30 Farm Digest 6.35 P'hit Space 8.00 News 8.05 Musical Exp. 8.45 Air Church 9.00 Sacred Heart 0.15 Listen Ladies.

9.30 Listen Ladies 10.00 Bandstand 3 12.00 News, Sports WNHO, New Haven, 7.00 Today 9.00 Test Pattern 9,43 News 10.00 Window Shop. 11.0 U. Nations 11.30 Strike It Rich. 12.00 Nature 12.13 Love of Life 12.30 Tomorrow 12.43 Rontempis 1.30 Garry Moore 2.00 Everywhere 2.80 Guiding Light, 2.15 News 3.00 Big Payotr 3.30 T. Bartlett 4.00 Kate Smith 5.00 Malley's 5.15 Joe.

DiMaggio WBZ, Boston, 6.50 Test Pattern 7.00 Today F. 9.00 Test Pattern 9:30 Child Behave 10.00 Mrs. U.8.A. 1060 Campaign Call 11.00 United Nations 12.00 Wanderlust 12.30 TV Toons 1.00 Domestic 1.25 Film 1.30 Holly, Plyhse, 2.30 Elec. Living 3.00 Hig Payoff 3.30 T.

Bartlett 4.00 Kate Smith 5.00 Hawkins Falls 5.15 Gabby Hayes WJAR, Providence, TUESDAY 7.00 Today 9.00 Matinee 10.00 Godfrey 10.15 Alelodies 10.30 10.45 Catholic Chp. 11.00 United Nations 11.30 Strike It Rich 12.00 Bride-Groom 12.18 Love of Life 12.30 Tomorrow 12.45 Shopping 1.15 Guiding Light 1.30 Garry Moors 2.00 Everywhere 2.30 People Talk 2.45 Film 3.00 Your Life 3.30 Tom Bartlett 4.00 Kate Smith 5.00 Hawkina Falls 5,15 Child Theat. HOLYOKE, 930 KO TUESDAT 12.10 Weatover News 12,15 Luncheonaires 12.30* You Think 1.00 Music 1.30 Broadway 2.00 lair Aides 2.13 Hillbilly 4.00 2.80 You story Think, land 4.15 News 4.30 You Think Television Chaunel Six TUESDAY 3.30 Howdy) Doody 6.00 Republican 6.15 Nature 6,80 Musical Mom 6.10 Weather 6.45 World News 7.00 Spezieli T.17 To Be Ann. 7.30 'Ganset Tine 7. In Ribicoft 7.45 Newareel 8,00 Milton Berle 8,00 City Hospital 1:30 Suspense 10.00 For Money 10.30 Stevenson 11.00 A Secret 11.30 Where Was I 42.00 News Channel: Four TUESDAY 3.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Bookshelf 6.15 News 6.30 The Editors 7,00 Your Health 7.15 Newatellar 7.30 Dinah Shore 7.45 Newsreel 8.00 Stilton Berlee 9.00 Fireside Thea.

9.30 Circle Theat. 10.00 For Money 10.30 Stevenson 11.00 News 11.10 Weather 11.15 Owl Theater 12.15 Sign Off: Channel Fleven 5.30 Howdy Doody 6.00 Telenewa 6.15 Weather 6.20 Traffic 6.30 Ozzie Sports Page 7.13 Headlines 7.30 Republican 7.15 Newsreel 8.00 Milton Berle 9.00 Fireside Thea. 9.30 Suspense 10.00 For Moner 10.30 Stevenson 10. 43 Democratio 11,00 Late News 11.05 Break Rank 11.35 Star Theat. 12.05 Adventure 1.05 Daily Prayer 1.10 Nightcap News People's Forum Continued From Page S) And why is Gov.

Byrnes--former Senator Byrnes, former Secretary of State Byrnes dnd former Supreme Court Justice Byrnes--ready to have his state abolish its free public school system? Because he is afraid the United, States favor of Supreme thosa Court citizens may of Clarendon County, S. who have challenged racial segregation in public schools, The case is to be argued next Dec. 3 and on Nov. 4 South Carolina will vote on repealing its constitutional free public school provision. Gov.

Byrnes hopes the basis of the public that South Carolina can secede from school system will' be eliminated so free public education in the United States 10 discrimination is outlawed by the Supreme Court. Believers In justice all over the country will hope that Gov. Byrnes' extreme course will And few followerg among South Carolinians. They hope that no state will ever do what he now proposes. Also they will hope Amusem*nts "CARIBBEAN" John Arlene PAYNE DAHL "WashingtonStory" Van Johnson Patricia Neal Robert Mitchum WED.


WHA 1030 WA.AS FM, 97.1 MO 1M, 94.7 de Suze 7.15-de Suze-Weatherboa Melody Express 7.30-Ken Mayer Melody Express 7.45-Carl de Suze Melody Express 8.00-Mayer-de Sure News Roundup 8.15-de SuzA-Weatherboe Community 8.80-Ken Mayer Shoppora 8.45-Carl de Suze Shoppers Woram Shoppers -VIctor findlahr Shoppers -Neighbor's Voice Just Between -Brighter Day Nows 10.00 -Welcoma Traveler Arthur Godfrey Traveler Arthur Godfrey or Nothing Arthur Godfrey. 10.45 Double or Nothing Arthur Godfrey 11.00-Strike it Rich Arthur Godfrey. -Strike It Mich Arthur Godfrey 11.30-Bob and Ray Grand Slain -Dave Garrowar 5. Rosemary P.M. WIZA 1030 WM19 1450 FM, 97.L MC UM 91.7 12.00-Verne Williams.

(lov. Stevenson 12.15 -Noon Serenade Aunt Jenny 12.30-Marjorie Mills Helen Trent -Marjorie Mills Gal Sunday Misgung Big Sister 1.15-Bob Rissling Ala Parkina 1.30-Cinderella Dr. Malone 1.45-Cinderella Guiding Light 2.00-Shop and Win Mrs. Burton 2.15-The Doctor's Wife Perry Mason 2.30-Dick Tucker Show Nora Drake Tucker. Show Brighter.

Day 3.00-Life Beautiful ITilltop House 8.15-Road to Life House. Party Popper Young louse Party Smith; Melodies 1.00-Backstage Wife News 4.15-Stella Dallas Tops in Pops Brown Tops In Pops in My House Topa in Tops 5.00-Plain Bill Tops in Pops 5.15-Farrell Tops in Pops 5.30-Lorenzo Jones Tops in Pops 5.45-Ballad Box Curt Massey P.M. WET.A 1030 1450 FM, 971 MIC IM, 94.7 6.00 Mayer News 6.15-Leo Egan Nowareel Gallup 6.30-Geoffrey Harwood Dinner Concert 6.45-Three Star Extra Lowell Thomas 7.00-Mass. Repub. Com, Sporta 7.15-Dem.

State Com. Jaok Smith 7.30-World News Peggy Lea 7.45-World News Edward R. 8.00-Cavalcade America's 8.15-Cavalcade America's 8.30-Red Skelton The Northa 8.45-Red Skelton The Norths 9.00-Martin Life With 9.15-Martin Lewis Life with 9.30-Fibber McGee My Friend McGee My Friend 10.00-Two for the Money News--Chameleon England Chameleon 10.30-First Nighter Gov. Stevenson 10.45-First Gov. "Stevenson 11.00-News-Sports News---Sports 10.15 Philip Murray You and the 11.30-Stan Kenton Dance Musia Kenton Dance Music that Gen.

Eisenhower will somehow, for Jamea Byrnes stops ahort of make it clear, that his admiration accepting a stand which negates the historio principle of equal rights for all. W. A. M. Holyoke STATE DEMOCRATIC LEADERS AND THE T-H ACT V.

To the Editor of The Union: Sir: Gov. Dever, Secretary of Labor Tobin, and now Congressman Kennedy have discovered the real reason for the exodus of Massachusetts industry to the South; namely, the Taft-Hartley Act. a recent stated, address, "It Congressman which Kennedy has blocked the effort. of the textile unions to organize the South and has left New England mills saddled with the unfavorable pay differential, today, of the problems which is a moat, serious handicap besetting the textile industry in Massachusetts could be solved if labor costs between the North and the South could be brought into line." Can it be that these men have given up blaming all of our ills on Hoover and are now pinning them on the Taft-Hartley Act? This philosophy 18 easily understood in the case of Dever and Tobin who interpret the law to suit Phil Murray and, Judging from their utterances, have read only the title of Taft-Hartley Act. it was not expected of Congressman Kennedy, Under the Wagner Act which was in existence for over 10 years, the unions failed to organize over 20 per cent of the textile workers in the South even with the full pressure of the administration and the National Labor Relations Board behind the movement.

Yet, Dever and Tobin have never blamed the Wagner Act for this condition. The Taft-Hartley Act embodies all of the provisions of the Wagner Act which guarantee and protect the rights of employees to organize freely and to be represented by members of their own choosing. When the Taft-Hartley Act was passed, OVER PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S VETO, Phil Murray and the other brass hats styled It a "slave labor act." Phil Murray set the tune and was accompanied by President Truman at the piano and second fiddler Tobin. Their contention was that this would destroy unions. The fact remains that the total union memberg in the United States is 'at its peak.

The Taft-Hartley Act does afford additional protection to employees against coercion, discrimination and intimidation from irresponsible labor leaders who, naturally, resent any curbs on their activities which prevent the exploitation of the membership. The essential difference between Political Advertisem*nt GOVERNOR DEVER SPEAKS! TONIGHT WBZ-A 7:15 P.M. Andrew P. Quigley, 39 Willard Chelsea Ames Hampden TONIGHT! 6:35 SEE! HEAR! Why I Am Supporting GOVERNOR DEVER Hon. Maurice J.

TOBIN U.S. Secretary of Labor WNHG-TV channel 6 Re-Elect Gov. Dever! Thomas F. Moriarty, Ames Hampden TUESDAY MORNING WSPR 1270 WTI0: 1080 MO 901, 97.0 MO FM, 96.5 Exp. Bob Lloyd Bob Steele News -Lloyd Bob Stoole-Weather Bob Lloyd lob Steele Bob Lloyd Bob Steele A Martin: Agronsky Nowa News Top Morning World News Tello-Test Radio Bazaar News--John Conte.

Radio Bazaar Breakfast Club Melody Theater Bronktast Club Melody Theater Us Breakfast Club Your Breakfast Club Victor Lindlahr My True Story Welcome Traveler My True Story Welcome Traveler Whispering Streots Double or Nothing A Girl Marries Double or Nothing Top of the World Strike It Rich Top of the World Strike It Rich Break the Bank. Bob and Ray Broak the Bank Dave Garroway TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1970. WTI0 1080 FM. 97.9 MO FM, 96,5 MO Berch Nows: (rocker- Rhythm Down Homers Listening Glass Marjorie Mille Listening Glass Marjorie Mills Ken Carolyn News Ion Carolyn Listen to Women Showtime Juke Box Showtime Juke Box Showtime Doctor's Showtime Cinderella Crocker- Tenn. Cinderella Tennessee Ernie Newa 'Tennessen Ernie Life Reautiful Tennessee Ernle Road of Life Ernie Pepper Young Tenneamee Ernie lappiness Cal Tinney: Backatage Wite Tinney -Crocker Stolla Dallas Platter Date Widder Brown Platter Date Woman In My Big Jon Sparkie Plain Bill Fun Factory Farrell Fun Factory Lorenzo Jones Ronnie Kemper Notes and Quotes TUESDAY EVENING MO 1270 WTIO 1080 FM, 97.9 MO FM.

96.6 MO Herb Carneal News Dever-Chorallers Bob Steele. Pappy Howard Cote Glee Club lappy Howard Three Star Extra Show J. -8. Young Tallihan, Bass Kregoloh Sen. Purtell Silver Eagle World News Murrow Silvor Eagle Sen.

Benton Eye' Cavalcade Eye' Cavalcade Teen Club Sen. McCarthy Teen Club Sen. McCarthy Town Meeting Robt. Montgomery Town Meeting Hobt. Montgomery Sen.

Sparkmaa Fibber Mottee Airlane. Malodies Fibber Dictee John Daly Two for Dream Harbor Two for the Buskin Quartet First. Nighter Huakin Quartet First Nighter News News World Finnegan's Sporte World Newe Lawrence Welk Stan Kenton Lawrence Welk Stan Kenton conditions in the South and those in Massachusetts is that the state administration leaders of the South are doing their utmost to promote sound industrial atmospheres in order to attraot more jobs realizing that the economic security of the states and their citizens lie in increased job security. Furthermore, the Southern employees realize the 100 per cent unionization In the North has not increased job security in Massachusetts. To the contrary, Dever, Curley, Tobin and Putnam have demonstrated intense antagonism to the textile industry, contending that.

this state would be well rid of industry. Gov. Dever hag. so completely sold Political Advertisem*nt ON RADIO TODAY TUESDAY Governor Adial I. STEVENSON WMAS 10:30 Demooratio National Committee Stephen Mitchell, Chairman 3L Dwight Palmer, Treasurer EDWARD P.

BOLAND Democratic Candidate For CONGRESS SPEAKS! On Television WNHC NEW HAVEN 7. Oct. 28, 6:30 P.M. David R. Barkman 290 East Springfield, Mast.

ON RADIO TONIGHT TUESDAY From Madison Sq. Garden Governor Adlai E. STEVENSON WMAS 10:30 NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS FOR STEVENSON Hermon Dunlap Smith, Chairman Roger L. Stevens, Vice-Chairman Richard F. Babco*ck, Secretary, Hear Aluerman Sullivan Councilman Sarno For DEVER OCT.

28 WSPR 6:15 P.M. 1270 ON YOUR DIAL StaY Roger L. Putnam Central St. Springfield, Mass. 4 PROGRAMS I- 1 4 A I 3 3 HOWARD HAWKS' THE BIG SKY 4 KIRK DEWEY MARTIN SHOW CONTINUOUS.

Starts Minute to 1 749:.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.