The Warrick Enquirer from Boonville, Indiana (2024)

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The Warrick Enquireri

Boonville, Indiana

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You're invited to a REE WELDING CLINIC! a rare opportunity a chance for farmers and others to learn how to save valuable time and money by doing their own welding With improved new Twentieth Century equipment easy demonstrate it Then let you try your hand see how easi ly you can do a multitude of repair jobs with a versatile new Twentieth Century heavy duty welder Remem ber the handy low cost welder with these 7 exclusive features "'H 0 0 4 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A new 350 AMP cutting ground for faster and cleaner cutting piercing and gouging Voltage control for offsetting line voltage drops it works where other welders can't Spot welding without attachments with settings built in for faster stronger welds Soldering also without attachments with settings built in for faster soldering without surface preparation Battery charging with an inexpensive attachment for fast and slow charging of 6 8 12 and 24 volt batteries Heavier construction more copper and sturdier electrical steel protect against voltage loss let you weld better strike and hold an arc easier You get a "continuous welding" service guarantee five years on parts labor and repairs twenty years on labor and repairs WE'LL TAKE YOUR PRESENT WELDER IN TRADE! Thursday Dec 11th REE COEE AND OUGHNUTS 7:30 WARRICK COUNTY ARM BUREAU CO OP Phone 897 1 100 Boonville Indiana ville ENWIKER Saturday December 6 1969 Page 8 olsomville By Jeannette Grimes Verlln Gentry remains very 111 at his home In Indianapolis Ills mother Mrna Taylor has been with his for over a week now (Monday) Mr nnd Mrs Ray Brown were Sunday dinner guests of ter nephew and family Mr and Mrs Jimmy Leslie near Branch He is a teacher iti the Princeton Schools Sarah Seibc spent part of Inst week with relatives near We were Thanksgiving din ner guests of our daughter Sharon and children Mr and Mrs Glenn Grimes and family were also guests My aunt Tollie Perigo Is not so well My daughter in law Ruth and I visited her at the Good Samaritan Home one day last week Her husband Irvin is about as usual Mr and Mrs Dewey Brown called on her brother Ray Brown and wife one day last week I heard last week my aunt Effie Carpenter was In Wel born Hospital She has not been well for several years now Her room number is 335 Christmas carols are already being played over the radio They are what I like best about the Christmas season Chur''1' programs are being announced Our's will be on Sunday night December 21 at 7 pm I believe Ebenezer GB Church will have their's that night too Mr and Mrs John St Clair had several of their children with them over the week end Scott came Saturday and sawed wood for their fireplace Rev and Mrs Verlin Ellis and Mr and Mrs Roy Ellis and daughters were Thanks giving dinner guests at the home Birthday Dinner Held Sunday On Sunday November 9 a birthday dinner was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Hobert Greenlee honoring Mr Greenlee and Mrs Ruth Cates of Henderson Ky on their birthdays Those attending were: Mr and Mrs Ernest Stevens Richard and Mike Mr and Mrs Otho Greenlee Marilyn Clinton and Gerald Mr and Mrs Wes ley Greenlee Keith and Kevin Mr and Mrs Eugene Green lee Kenny and Cindy Mr and Mrs Joe Hess: and Mrs Bettye Sandage and Mindy all of Boon ville of Mr and Mrs Sammy Ellis and son Their daughter Joyce Ann called them from California that day Warrick and Pike County Singing Convention will be this Saturday night December 6 at the Newburgh GB Church BUY YOUR COLOR TV WORRY REE ir3 s529's qB kjgg Complete price 'SftrZ Wo1 M920EWD 1 New 1970 GE 23" Console TV The Kimberly Model 920 EWD 2 Outside Antenna Installed for all three local stations 3 2 Year Picture Tube Warranty 1 Year Parts Warranty 4 90 Day Total Labor Warranty 5 Money Back Offer 6 Ask About Our Terms (HL OR YOUR MONIY RACK! I or Wsion Here's the Complete Offer: Buy your General Electric Color TV from a partici pating dealer and give it normal care If you are not completely satisfied bring your Guarantee Certificate to the dealer from whom you purchased the set with in thirty days He will take Eack the set and refund your money This offer applies to purchases prior to January 1 1970 I I I DESIGNED WITH YOUR BUDGET IN MIND! Model M730WD THE MIlIBRiXjK INSTA VIEW Picture and Sound are almost immediate All 82 channel reception Set and orget volume control Adventurer 74 1 MODEL WV153SV WITH INSTA VIEW Personal Earphone High Gair Solid S'aie VHTure Built In Molded Handle Monopole Antenna 74 Square Inches Viewing Area Simulated TV Reception Illuminated Automatic Clock and Sleep Switch Private Earphone Pre Set ine Tuning NEW BEDROOM MODEL Porta Color 60 IL 81 IhBbhH MODEL 2 2 0 Illuminated Channel Selectors PORTA Chassis 24 ib Lightweight Set and forget Volume Control W) Square Inch Viewing Area TrHdemsrk CHneral Elpctrtc Co 1 f8494 919995 Miller Oschman Inc SOUTH 3RD STREET PH 897 2120 The Deutschland Singers To Appear Here jjjff In its 2th Anniversary Year Youth for Christ International will present the Deutschland Singers in Concert at 7:27 pm December 13 at the Vander burgh Civic Center This out standing concert is being hosted by Tri State Youth or Christ The Deutschland Singers are recognized as one of the finest religious choirs in West Ger many Now in their 11th year the Deutschland Singers have recorded more than 100 sacred numbers and have received na tion wide exposure through their appearances on radio and television Each year the Deutschland Singers go on tour giving concerts in their own country as well as in other parts of Europe TTiis past Easter the choir held a very successful four day concert tour of Cze choslovakia The Deutschland Singers are in this country for a five week concert tour Beginning and ending in New York the tour will take them through 13 states and as far west as South Da kota Their extensive concert repertoire of over 50 numbers includes Contemporary Chris tain Classical Sacred German olk German Evening and German Christmas Songs The musical director of the group is Klaus Heizmann At 2 5 Klaus is regarded asamong the best Christian musicians in West Germay His musical studies were undertaken at Dus seldorf Germany and at Otter Creek By Mrs Norma ranz USS Arizona A gain In New 33 13 Stereo Record Miss Linda Polk of Lynn ville and a student at Indiana State University at Terre Haute spent Thursday night with her sister and family Mr and Mrs Bill ranz and daughters Kristi and Lynna Mr and Mrs Roland Moes ner and sons Mike and Tom of Dale spent Thanksgiving Day with her mother Mrs Mar garet Veeck Mrs Martha Samples was a guest Thanksgiving Day of her son Mr and Mrs Bob Samples and son Kevin Another guest was Mrs Ina Sights Mrs Geraldine Caldwell and children Tonya Clifford Gerald and Billy moved this week to the farm home of Myr tle Polk Mrs home and all her funishings were lost in a fire near olsomville ri day Anyone wishing to donate anything should contact or call Rev Hobert Burdin 897 2689 or Edward ranz 897 0137 At this writing she can use almost anything Mr and Mrs Lenos Hart and foster sons Roy and Steve Stevens entertained with a family dinner Thanksgiving Day Those present were Gerald and Brenda Rudolph and children Melissa Melinda Melana and Bryan all of Greenville Ky Reathal and Helen Byers and children Carol Pam and Jeff and Lynn and Gail Ralston Afternoon visitors were Robert and Mayme Allen Bobby Allen and children Robby Kelly and Todd Mrs Inez Gilstrap of Hat field Mrs Clara Purdue Mrs Carol Clark and son Scott spent Thanks giving Day with Rev and Mrs Hobet Burdin and daughters Brenda Becky and Teresa and son Randy Mrs Ruby Moesner of Dale Mr and Mrs Joe ranz and daughter Joan were dinner guests Thanksgiving Day of Miss Me ranz in Evans ville Mrs Thelma Hawkins was a patient at St Mary's Hopltal from Thursday until Saturday The 27 year silence which has drifted up from the sunken battleship USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor has been broken The gallant fighting ship which went down in the attack on Pearl Harbor again in a new stereo record called rom the Ari The 33 13 rpm disc fea tures a reading of a moving 37G word poem penned by retired Chief Machinist's Mate Jack Langham of Phoenix Arizona With the Navy Choir singing the Navy Hymn in the back ground the poem begins: time to break the silence 1 have kept for many years I want to send a message To dry away your tears" It goes on to tell the Ari story from her com missioning in New York City in 1916 to her sinking on De cember 7 1941 concluding with the plea: we could ask one thing of you Our sole request would be Do everyth! ng within your power To keep our nation strong and Hie record is pressed on a color photograph of the famed USS Arizona Memorial which bridges the battleship's sub merged hull in Pearl Harbor from the was born about a year ago when Pearl Harbor Shipyard em ployee Barney Lee suggested making a record narrating the Arizona's history as a means cf raising funds for a Memorial Maintenance Program A gung ho 26 year Navy veteran Chief Boatswain's Mate Burns of ort Worth Tex recommended using a poem written several years earlier by a personal friend Chief Langham Lee and Burns took their idea to the Pearl Harbor Branch of the leet Reserve Associa tion which promptly appointed Burns to head a non profit record company to produce the record our fellow Branch members agreed to help They are: Chief Radioman Bill Ward of Lexington Ky Chief Yeoman Donald Stevens of Anniston Ala Chief Yeoman Ji mm Boggs of San Diego Calif: and Retired Chief Journalist George Ken nedy of Honolulu Hawaii After more than a year's negotiation and production obtaining copyrights producing the jacket cover in Hong Kong pressing the record in Hono lulu "Voice from the Ari in wax became a reality Profits from the record sales will be proportioned half going to the USS Arizona Maintenance und and the re mainder to be divided between the National leet Reserve As sociation's Youth Activities and the Pearl Harbor youth and community activities Branch 4G sponsors Land Ship 146 of the Sea Explorers (Boy Scouts of America) and con tributed to Pearl Harbor's Lit tle League baseball program "Voice from the had help from many sources George Kennedy of Honolulu's KGMB Radio Station provided the introduction on the rcord The narration was read by Honolulu radio news reporter Linda Chandler World wide branches of the leet Reserve Association are retailing copies of "Voicefrom the for $125 Mail copies are available for 25 cents extra for postage from Pearl Harbor B'anch 46 PO Box 6067 Honolulu Hawaii 9 6818 PelzerMrs Otto Owens Mrs Rose Perigo gave a birthday dinner in honor of her husband Roland Sunday Those attending were Mr and Mrs Joe Malone of Evansville Mr and rs Dwight Perigo of Bullock town Mr and Mrs Charles Woolsey and children of Rich land Mr and Mrs Roland Peri go and son Greg Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hadley Mrs Bessie Perigo and Mrs Hazel Helms James Rudisill called in the af ternoon Have You Been Shocked Latley? ALL SHOCK SPECIAL EXTRA 4 NEW HEAVY DUTY SHOCKS Installed Your Dollars Make Sense At LEE'S SINCLAIR IRST MAIN ROAD SERVICE ort Wayne Bible College in Indiana In 1970 Klaus will be involved with the Billy Graham TV Crusade in Germany He will conduct the Crusade Choir and along with Cliff Barrows Klaus will be responsible for all other musical activities of the Crusade This concert by the Deutsch land Singers is definitely one which you will not want to miss Plan to be with the people of Evanville and Tri State for this time of music and cultural interchange Ad mission to the concert will be by ticket only Tickets can be purchased through Woods Drug Store by calling 424 8233 Tickets will also be available at the door LEG ALS NOTICE ADMINISTRATION NO PR 69 100 IN THE WARRICK CIRCUIT COURT WARRICK COUNTY INDIANA Notice Is hereby given that Ken neth Weyerbacher was on the 25 day of November 19G9 appointed Administrator of the estate of Anna Kleiman late of Warrick County deceased All persons having claims against said estate whether or not now due must file the same in said court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred Dated at Boonville Indiana this 25 day of November 1969 WILLIAM KILL EBREW Clerk of the Warrick Court Warrick County Indiana Weyerbacher Campbell Attorneys at 1 aw 130 South Third Street Boonville Indiana 47601 ESTATE NO 3179 notice to all persons INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE ENNIS BOWEN In the Circuit Court of Warrick County 1969 Terin In the matter of the Estate of Ennis Bowen deceased Notice Is hereby given that Stella Maier as Personal Rep resentatives of the above named estate has presented and filed her final account in final settlment of said estate and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said WarrlckClrcultCourt on the 15 day of December 1969 at which time all persons inter ested in said estate are required to appear in said court and show cause If any there be why said accounts should not be approved And the heirs of said decedent and all others Interested are also required to appear and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of said estate STELLA MAIER Personal Representative WILLIAM It KIL1EBREW Clerk ROBERT II RIDEOUT Attorney NOTICE ADMINISTRATION IN THE WARRICK CIRCUIT COURT Estate No PR 68 17 Notice Is hereby given that Mar jorie London was on the day of December 1967 appointed: ad ministrator of the estate of Grover Wolfinger deceased All persons having claims against said estate whether or not now due must file the same in said court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred Dated at Boonville Indiana this 20 day of January 1968 WOODROW HOLDER Clerk of the Warrick Circuit Court By EVELYN ELLIS Deputy ALLYN KNOWLES 204 Main St Mt Vernon Indiana 47620 Attorneys Estate No 69 29 NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE LULA ALDRIDGE In the Warrick Circuit Court of Warrick County State of Indiana 1969 Term In the matter of the Estate of Lula Aldridge deceased Estate Docket 14 Page 84 Notice Is hereby given that Harry Aldridge as Personal Representa tive of the above named estate has presented and filed his final account In final settlement of said estate and that the same will come up for the examination and action of said Warrick Circuit Court on the 15th of December 1969 at which time all persons interested in said estate are required to appear in said court and show cause If any there be why said accounts should not be approved And the heirs of said decedent and all others Interested are also required toappear and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of said estate HARRY ALDRIDGE Personal WILLIAM KILIEBRBW CMrk LESLIE HENDRICKSON Attorney NOTICE ADMINISTRATION NO PR 69 99 IN THE WARRICK CIRCUIT COURT WARRICK COUNTY INDIANA Notice is hereby given thatLeMlle Hendrickson was on the 20th day of November 1969 appointed Exe cutor of the estate of Lida Lamar late of Warrick County deceased All persons having claims against said estate whether or not now due must file the same In said court within six months from the data of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred Dated at Boonville Indiana this 20 day of November 1969 WILLIAM K1LLEBREW Clerk of the Warrick Court Warrick County Indiana LESLIE HENDRICKSON Attorney ORDINANCE NO 1969 13 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TRAIC AND REGULATING THE USE PUBLIC STREETS IN THE CITY BOONVILLE INDIANA BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL THE CITY BOON VILLE INDIANA Section 1 That It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on the West side of ourth Street from the Inter sec tion of ourth Street with Elm Street to Hie Inter section ofourth Street with Division Street In the City of Boonville Indiana Section 2 ThattheChlefofPollce of said City shall cause signs to be posted in said area where parking Is hereby prohibited Section 3 All ordlnancesorparts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed Section 4 This ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after Its passage by the Common Council and its approval by the Mayor Passed by the Common Council this 20th day of November 1969 Robert Minis Presiding Officer ATTEST Ethel Barclay Clerk Treasurer Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Boonville Indiana on the 20th day of November 1969 at the hour of 8 Ethel Barclay Clerk Treasurer This ordinance approved and signed by me on the 16th day vember 1969 at the hour of 8 Robert Mints Mayor of the City of Boonville Indiana DESIGNED WITH YOUR BUDGET IN MIND!.

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The Warrick Enquirer from Boonville, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.