The Altus Times-Democrat from Altus, Oklahoma (2024)

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The Altus Times-Democrati

Altus, Oklahoma

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The AJtus Times Democrat Published by Tb Altus Publishing do me Member Cnlted Pre Th Tta Decnocrt wm eitbltb 4 Weekly la IMO Deny la 1921 HARRINOTON WIMBERLY Editor nd Publisher Kitty wiUoa William City Editor Entered a second eUss matt msttsr it th oetofflee or Altus Oklaho ma MMrdlnr to th set nt conjees or March 3 1878 THE ALTUS TIMES DEMOCRAT ALTUS OKLAHOMA wyirV Tij''i riir''TltSiffiirorr' ri X1 st V7A i eat Sunday May 13 1934 a 104th Birthday Wife Preservers club the MR5 the member Harmony the attended thi 3 Spun Glass kW ATAlEC SCOTLAND YARD CLDING Robert Muse WE THANK YOU OLKS Sus DETROIT City Water Plant Prospered Pointer rang the bell at Lady A TIRES a 1 er Panhandle Gas and Oils TELEPHONE "NO 5 5 5 a Shelby Phillips Mgr and rt firrt the re her auditor 17 and Haskell wll Joa Harrison cr of Very 2 much the blood of ASKS MUNITION DRAT Sam 10 '5 4 ct the Helen Beach the take the Public Weigher: PAINE Hower of Oklahoma City was a business visitor in A'tus Sat urday step to the call Justice of the Peace McBRIDE re in Her banquet was at ths mas waa bcautl A GAME thousands of still her trade individual In the past two besn engaged County Attorney ROSS RUTHERORD WELDON ERRIS wsau A Seventh District SAM MASSINGALE CordeU Court Clerk: "MRS WILLIE 'WITT (Re Election Second Term) Governor: ROBERT BURNS parlla to be In the a buzz My Drcam give same committee draw Hts mind was a perfect nt i eoplej in i society could not have earned Mrs Belle celebrated cently teres ted pipe Is Choose a windy! sunshiny day for washing blanket ao that they will dry quickly and keep their fluff! nesa Hanging too long In th sun will fade colored cotton blanket BIBLE THOUGHT her watmg mount aboe vt Cnma? It doubtful it the Bnuab would become excited Uncle Sun aculd no doubt smll placidly lor does 'Goodnight and Class wealthy Lady marry Lucy hi rance clerk was in up the report REAL' PEACE: Wirdom's ways ways of pleasantness and all paths are Proverbs 3:17 The miles where were route Near the picnic site Is the abode house constructed by Doan who founded the picnic In 1883 He was the first postmaster cf the County Commissioner District No 1 BOB VAN BURKLEO (Re Election Second Tenn) JESS PARKS OLIVER ARR W'iHlfgHj 1 CADILLAC SQUARE BAILS SIWLt Briscoe Jackson Co' Representative DREW THOMAS BURR SPECK DUDLEY TINSLEY Prank Schaffer response itzgerald gave reading Schaffer Girl of Beach vol costs ST LOUIS Thi? city's mu nicipally owned water plant earn ed a profit Of $680000 during the past fiscal year compared with a deficit of $2229 for the previous 12 months indiscretion Uadi in London becomes alarmed irheu lusvbusi associate LirT Hills is found to death Mrs Burnham takes Dundas her win much County Clerk: HALLIE BAUCUM (Elmo) TAYLOR KK 4D THIH IRST: Juhit 'tail slcpsuit ol Tait Rurnham where the Ladi Tatt Dundas a disclosed blackiuadinc Tail far a past Tail POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS now be at County Commissionei District 2 EDD PLEW (Re Election Second Term) JIM TINNEY JAY DALE (Bill) RICKS County Treasurer Inez Cartel Clarkson JOHN PETERSON McClellan LESTER KIZZIAR OSCAR Henry McConnell of Altua mad a pie for to Um rar veteran and challenge to th government to draft munition lae lorkM a well at men for war when ha won tint place In th unl rersqy oratorical contest last week it waa learned here yesterday He spoke clearly but spared gesticula tion have seen that It did not draft these factories to th national McConnell said tion factor! were permitted to pile up huge profit at the eoat of the government" th world 1 bristling with: Internationa! hatred Now la time for our government to steps to prevent repetition of past" McConnell received a 30 prize while $20 wa awarded Pack of Oklahoma City: and to Gerald Williams Laverne Anyway It'a an IntereaUng bit of horseplay this International trade game and will bear watching TM nest few month win tell an Inter esting story to those who keer thetr eye on the situation Jjc Marriage Licenses HOOD lliiv CHANGING 'TIDE'S By United Pres WASHINGTON May The house parliamentarian the alert man who alt at a little desk direct ly oft the speaker's rostrum often ha some knottyproblem to solv In double quick 'time' I The In legislative hall was known long before It became an adjunct to the football field When questions of procedure arise ana tnere are plenty tne inentarlan usually stands nearer the speaker Those galleries sometimes can hear cf whispers Then very likely a little black book appears The parliamentarian thumbs It hurriedly lays It before the speaker and the ruling 1 made The book then disappear often to re appear within the next few min utes County Sheriff A SAVAGE (Re Election Second Term) LUTHER E' BUSH The Junior Senior held Saturday night hall Hie room fully decorated In the class colors crchid end silver1' Low bowls of sweet peas were effectively used on the table while hi the center was a large doll pressed In cap and gown holding a diploma Darby Sadler was toastmaster A largo crowd from this com munity attended the 51st annual Doan's picnic one of the inert col orful pioneer celebrations In Texas at the Watts grove 18 miles north cf Vernon Saturday and Sunday picnic site was within threo of historical Crossing more than 7000000 cattle driven across Red river bn to Kansas markets Approximately 160 persons attend ed a social In honor of Mr and I Mrs Shellenberger given In connec tion with a prayer meeting at the riendship Baptist church recently Several persons from other com munities were in attendance In cluding Jess Parks and family and Mrs uller Regrets were expressed at the early departure of Mr Shellenberger Sun day school superintendent and Mrs Shellenberger who has been leading the was partly through their efforts that the church's acti vities rank among the highest In the county The Shcllenbergers will move to Sentinel fim post office establish! in Wil barger county uia wa ue eperator of a trading post in county Th Harmony Independent played and defeated the Doin' In dependent nine Sunday afternoon In a five inning game by a score of 12 2 7 be Doan's team played a double heeler i ho first game with th Hayraake of Tillman county Th Harmony team tie not been defeated this year Mr nd Mrs Boyd visited at lisa Sunday Jack Crawford spent Saturday night with Johnnie Motbcral The Harmony high school gradu aUon cctlvltle will occur during the' week of May 13 with com mencement at the achool lum Thursday night May ttnlcr night May 18 Sunday school service are Ing held each afternoon tchcol Two marriage licenses were issued riday at the office of the Jackson cc*nty coup clerk Receiving them were Clifford coleman employee and Miss both of Electra Oscar Hosmer 21 school teach and Miss Mary McKenzie both Elmer Airington of Durant her 104th birthday She la active and la In current event a favorite companion and Mr Mrs Mr and Problems In procedure sometimes have their origin In some office An error seemingly trivial may disrupt the best laid plans of congressmen Just such an instance caused a flurry in the house side of the capitol when the banking and cur rency committee decided to execute a quick maneuver The McLeod bill to pay oft assets in closed banks was In the hands of a sub committee On the floor a petition was being circulated to obtain 145 signers that would dis charge the committee from consi deration and automatically bring the bill to the floor within 12 days Speed was essential The sub committee was assembled quickly It reported the measure favorably then It was found the sub com mittee and a few hurriedly round ed up members of the full com mittee constituted a quorum The structed to which Identified the bill by num ber In haste a second McLeod bill was written In by number in the report The committee voted favorably on the wrong bill and the Democrats considered the work well done enyngea to a uidoic three were sojourning takes a dislike io Gillian beautiful girl irho it is up a young man about town who acted as one of the lards voluntary assistants In matters of tins kind Ward Thynnc worked in the Ascot office of St James' i when it was a question of admission to the Royal Enclosure card1 index though he threepence a week as far as the rest of his attainments went Who was a Westmaeott? Appar ently the owner of a place called Pilgrim's Halt some five to six years ago? mean Westmacott the multi millionaire Westmacott of Halt and Park Pinnacles and Mari ners and two hunting boxes in the Highlands and a huge house tn town 11 Palace Green? Sort of Second Lord Shaftesbur' He's been out in China for the last three years or so carrying on a relief mission of his own Pointer asked if he was known to be a friend of a Mr John Tait who was a co director with Lord Mills on some companies great friend indeed They were at New and regularly have gone fishing together tn Norway for years I should say Tait is West inacott's particular pal And besides that Tait's Miss Henrietta cousin you know What does that signify? Dear me how little you chaps at the Yard really know when it comes to important tbingsl West macott wasgoing to marrxJier' and then suddenly turned and whizzed off to help the Honduras earthquake victims on the Left the lady high 4hd dry Nice girl too Rather a bit out of hisline a hard riding hard swearing and probably hard drinking young amazon then turned herself into the equivalent of a Salvation Army lass since and it doesn't suit The man at the other end was warming i up then of course Lady Ida! Lady Ida! Westma cott's widowed sistcr in Iaw who acts as his hostess and keeps his houses open now away Yes John Tait and Lady Ida were at one: time rather bracketed together Oh not as Westmacott and Etta Naylor were The last had the banns all but read out No but people rather expected something would come of it in due time with regard to the other two Only nothing did Whenwas this talk? About two years ago more or less Since then Tait seems dropped out of Lady cir cle Anything Hs was warmly thanked Pointer rang through to his own rooms at the Yard: Had any1 fresh and children Mrs Donnie Briscos Mr at Easley Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Nettle Shockey of Oklahoma Mr and Mrs Earl Walker gave the Welcome ad dress Helen rank Little lossie Present' were senior class Including Miss itzgerald Miss lossie Derby Sadler and rank Schoffer Juniors Including Earl Walker Cecil Hooper and John Schrlm sher aculy members present were Mr and Mrs Sam iy Miar Joyce Johnson Mis Audre Chapman and razier O'Rear orthers present wet Clayton Yates school board mem ber and Mrs Yates Mr and Mrs Sam Shultz clerk and Mrs Loyce Briscoe class mother son class father and guest Later the error was discovered There was a flurry among commit teemen Could they undo' the work and report the bill they wished? Another case for the little black book 810 OUTSIDE DOOMS Each with tub and bath ROM 00 CHAPTER 30 POINTER LOOKED next at the dead man's check book a very re cent one There was a1 comfortable i balance scribbled on the back of the i last counterfoil Pointer looked at I the pile of old counterfoils fastened i together with a rubber band which he found in a locked drawer Two i things interested him Some five months ago was a check to Self for £500 followed the next week by one fqr £50 The same thing happened exactly six months before Here too a check for £500 to Self was fol lowedby anotherto Self of £50 There was nothing else of interest Nowhere did any name occur that might fit the erased blank in the engagement book Pointer took the Check book and the old block of counterfoils Then he looked once more through the engagement book There were no other erasures nor any other name that seemed to properly fit the blank The valet professedian absolute ignorance con cerning what was or was not in the book An ignorance that seeing the book lay out on the table struck the chief inspector as overdone Did Mr Tait keep his old engagement books? Pointer expected a negative but to his joy the man pointed to a locked cupboard of stuff of that sort: II roug over from a cupboard altering in his Pointer tound inside it all he would have a pile of personal bocks of all kinds But he had to go back nearly a year in an engage ment book before he found an entry "Letter from Wants 'me to go there Made an appointment over the phone for and on theHollowing day was an asterisk So the erased initial was probably was no ether helpful entry in tlie book After some fruitless fur ther "searches he came on an old game book nearly six years old tn it he found several entries that showed that Tait had often shot ata place called Pilgrim's iHalt and that on each of these occasions there was always one name among his fel low guns that did not vary the name of Westmacott Probably therefore the host 'Pointer saw that by try Ing the letters on tissue paper over the erasure the name would exactly fit in Westmacott of Halt sounded familiar But why the erasure and the guarded entry today at 11? He went to the nearest tele phone outside the house and rang belle airington jniiimyer nas oaa DfcdKa ill 1 uumey and Mr A Vcadergrlff and White Opl Whit Mf od itn daughter Ettllhtr! Mr and MnRjLojd Brovco and Children Mr It White Mr and Mr Homer lad Mr Virgt Blux Pvt Bhulia I Quote Me Judge i WOMACK WILLIAMS Those Hess who annual picnic in Texai held Saturday and Sunday In memory of the old settlers and cattleman were Mr and Mrs' Bartley Nadine Bartley Mary Bartley Mr and Mrs Jamie Hutchinson Mrs Olen Banks Mr and Mrs Austin Lovelady and Children Mr Mrs Loyce Briscoe and son and Mrs Yates Mr and Clayton Tates and Mrs Hess Mrs City and children Mr and "Mrs Schnorrenbrg and children "Mr The following have authorized an nouncements of their candidacies for the offices specified subject to the democratic primary elections July 3 and July" 24 MUSICAL TALENT Altus residents have just had privilege of listening to a series excellent musical programs In con nection with national music week The response to these programs was good a It should have been I Among the other unsung heroes are often the women and men who utilize their musical talent in gen 14 erous service to the community Little do any of us appreciate the time and sacrifice Involved in this splendid contribution to the com cultural development How often too these musicians ore called upon In times of be reavement when their lovely songs afford such comfort and consola tion How Incomplete church ser vices would be without their hymns anthems how colorless so many community gatherings were it not for their part in the programs Rarely ever Is there any com pensation tor their service ably it Is a sincere of Is a God given talent and they useIt unselfishly for the joy and enrichment of all our lives shat Miss to Lady 7 ait annoyance A luncheon given by Lady Tait honor ot Tait and Ihs fiancee and attended by John's cousins Atysia Etta and Claud Naylor is a poor success dicing to 'laics apparent uneasiness Tea is interrupted by the discovery ot Jnha body On the sidewalk front ot Lady home peeling he has been poisoned Chief Inspector ainter ot Scotland Yard investigates uhat appears to be mur der and first questions the victim's cousin Claud Naylor Talking with Lucy BurjihO Pointer learns that Tait received al death threat by letter the same day Lord Mills had killed himself Then the inspector inter views Lady Tait Next Pointer ques tions Atysia and Etta Naylor Tait's cousins When he reaches Gillian Dundas lie finds terror 'and dread written in her eyes Pointer learns that tap specks he had taken from the fingeis of one of hands were spun glass from an object which probably contained the fatal poison Then he searches Taits looms and finds certain deletions in an eiijiaocment book fNOWUO ON WITH THE STORY I deserves the best of every te County Commissioner District 3 MYERS i (Re Election Second Term) CHENAULT Tire Service With GEO WIGHT I LUMBER COMPANY "THE HOWE CONCEM" Your Money Goes urther But No arther AbK AINYBUUI Motoring Will Be Real Pleasure or jr 21 bakery Ruth Johnson We see bv the naoert that some of the old runers for state offices are kicking becaure some other felbw by the same name wants to run for office and they are trying to enjoin them from running great sports manship it? Take for instance this man Walton whom the people honored for governor once and then fired him off the job If we were in his place we wouldn't want anybody to run against us What do yoy think? We are interested more in seeing some good rains and making some fine wheat and oats and corn and cotton and lots of fruit and berries and VgetableE' And speak ing of vegetables reminds us tp remind you that we have a nice Pressure Cooker for you You may save all your vegetables and fruit and so on Come in at your own convenience' it will be right here We want to remind you again that we are HEAD QUARTERS for HAY TIES BINDER TWINE CUL TIVATOR SWEEPS CHOPPING HOES ILES and we hear lots of stealing is going on We some dandy locks that will help protect your prop efty 1 i YOU PAY OR IT WHETHER YOU USE IT OR NOT We are talking about paint and just as true as If you own any kind of a building and do not keep it well painted its depreciation each year costs you more than the paint will cost you i Some people have the wrong impression about the cost of painting materials Did you know or had you thought that you could paint the average size bungalow of which there are a great number in Altus around $1500 to $2000 for the paint oils? If you let your prop erty go unpainted you are paying in depreciation wheth er you use the paint or use it That we might serve this community better we bought a car of the best Paint that is made We can Suppl you with the best at a price you can af ford to pay ust unloaded a car of Screen Doors They are dandies We can fit any size door or window We make for you if you have an odd size opening We have lots of wash tubs round and square We need to sell and that goes for washing machines too and we might also add that Radios are still radioing and Kel vinators are Still Kelvinators and making lots of ice and savng food and making ice cream and lots of other good things to eat Dont forget folks theHbme Concern always ap preciates your business We have some big bargains in Ice Boxes Come 'look them over vne MOTHER thing todhysand every day in the year why her motoring" demands de a pendable long life tires like HOODS rome In? so first test of the dejl man hat! proved the ex istence of a deadly dose of the poi son mixture named bv Dr Angelli It had bsen administered directly into the blooi By a ent a prick an in ic ctior of some kind I a Pointer mentally added I Pointer's next' step was to drive to Palace Green It looked as though eleven referred to that and not to Miss studio Palm1 Green! is one of the few unspoiled streets of large houses still left in town As yet no buses roar through it and it remains broad and stately facing Kensington Pal ace and the Gardens was one of the largest of the houses and an end one Along its side ran a passage way into Church street A very high wall with a door in it protected the garden Strom being i overlooked: He rang the heli sent in his name only and asked to see Lady Ida on matter concerning Mr John Ho was shown into a fiercely mod ern room where the chairs and tables seemed better suited to a sub marine in their metallic economy of line and space than to a London town house The usual flashing cushions were piled everywhere a heap of them in one corner around a steel radiator The lighting was concealed the ceiling colored the floor metallic looking Altogether Pointer was quite prepared for the ultra smart looking woman who came in a moment later with the inevitable cigaret hoider stuck at an angle from pillar box red lips In the woman was perhaps 40 Very handsoftio and a more resolute jaw and eye he had not often met shalt want I will" should have been the motto what ever her family But she looked at him very keenly and she had come in veryNjuickly in answer to his message "rom Mr Tait?" she asked Pointer hesitated to allow her to make some further remark That might be enlightening for he thought she was disturbed by his visit But as Lady Ida said nothing he explained that Mr Tait had been picked up dying near his house that his dead body had been carried Into his house and that be lieving that Mr Tait had been in to see Lady Ida that morning around 11 Pointer had wondered if she had noticed anything odd whether he had looked ill or if she had heard him complain of feeling ill (TO BE CONTINUED) Max 'Hillmyrr Altus high school golfer finished 4 1st in a field of 57 In the' Oklahoma high rchool golf tournament held cn th Lin coln Perk course at Oklahoma City riday Max scored 91 07 for a total of 188 for the 36 holes which la than usual low score District Judge MILLER Hollis WC AUSTIN Altus STARNES Altus GORE Altus HOLLLS ARNETT JOHN WILSON rederick RAYMOND BARRY HolUs INLEY McLAURY Snyder State Senator: JACK SUTHERLAND Altus CECIL' CHAMBERLIN rederick STANSELL WHITESIDE i 5 AJtug A arewell Social or Shellenbergers Mother Today She Can Depend Upon Treble ree I JAPAN PLAYS Although Japan Is miles from Oklahoma practices affect 'everyithe country During 'vears the Japs have In taking foreign trade from all the leading world powers including the 'United States i i "When a man Is hit In the pocket book badly hurt and the same applies to nations Cheap labor I the adaptation of machinery to in dustry and monetary conditions have enabled Japan to the powers cn many products This cheap competition has lessen ed America's foreign trade at a 1 time when every dollar is needed keep the country's industrial i wheels turning and to supply ume making possible increased for the manufacturer japan has cracked the rayon South America She pinch 1 ed Britain's textile trade and has many other competitive lines hang in? cn the ropes But back of all This be another story (The jeal move may be by indirection i Japan has both eyes on gobbling 'additional rich territory in Chinaand Manchuria and therefore rich 1 'markets close to home The world 'jat large! objects But should Japanlor Nippon as they now prefer) 'give back the trade she has taken a would the world powers object to Sunday Morning Sermon TIRES' ft ft ift And fixing flats is ourl job? Next time ijjust nhnMA nnrt piiunc anu Subscription Kate City by carrier 15c per week 60c per month or 6700 per year la ad vance rural by mall 4 00 per yecr In advance outald of Jackson County Oklahoma In the United Biatea M00 per year in advance National Advertising Representative ROST LANDIS and KOHN New York Chicago Detroit St Loul Dalia Atlanta MV JU a J'k i 4 ii 1 I ft I '33 I i i 1 1 ffyAYj I ii I feMyJO Il 'Hi if Mi I jiim: HE ftM MEL i IS nir 1 IS 111 a 1 I 1' I i )v 4 ci'' i 4 'J i 8 '10) A SERVICE TATI ONI I A vane i 6 4 225 'r 9 i I I i jiilfi Jfi 1 (' I luiB I I I kH 5 III Um 'jJ I iJLu rS VA A VV BXBB re 9 YKILMlfT? i Tx Ho I I I I Al La I i 21 I J) 4 1.

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The Altus Times-Democrat from Altus, Oklahoma (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.